Monday, April 12, 2010

Welcome to Day 2

Today is 12th day of April, 2010.
Don Juan of Alaya was born
in a place far, far of the yon
where land and sky soon meet anon
and the sun kisses you at dawn
though the ocean, too's, far beyond
yet there's water sweet's none has known
and the air's fresh for everyone.
The Don Juan of Alaya loves a woman, a sexy woman, a woman with a pretty face, a deliciously smelling woman, a woman who loves to be loved. Don Juan loves making love to his woman, a dozen times a day if time permitted, always making sure his woman got her orgasm, for the Don Juan of Alaya took responsibility of the orgasms of his woman, as many times as possible, holding his for as long as possible.

To understand Don Juan and his passion for women, one has to go back to the very beginning, when he was jus a frail boy, hardly the promise of the man he would someday be known to be, hardly the promise of the man to his woman he would be.

And so it was, the Don Juan of Alaya was born in a far away land, where the birds and the bees played among the trees all day long, where butterflies and dragonflies whispered and made love to deliciously smelling flowers and blossoms, and where fireflies were the mileu of the evening even before the last ray of light was snuffed out by the ever-envious, jealous of a shadow of the darkness. It was a place where honey and milk literally flowed, to nourish and sustain life, as both meant to be. A place where the water was as fresh as the rain come down from the heavens, running in crystal clear rivers and springs, where air was as fresh as the breeze straight from the mountains, scented by flowers, cooled by the dancing leaves, and kissed by the sun.

It was in this refuge of a paradise, sheltered by nature, nurtured by familial love and affection, and nourished by natural food and virgin existence that the Don Juan of Alaya knew of his childhood.

But whether it was meant to be, of destiny or of fate, that Don Juan was also pushed or pulled by the riddle of the opposite gender at his very tender age, is anybody's wonder. For at the very young age of 6, he was already being teased to a playmate, Cindy, quite a pretty girl his age. At the age of 10, he was asked to oblige to the infatuation of a 7-year-old girl, Joy, sister to his sister-in-law, sleeping next to each other, cuddled by the girl, innocently as they claimed. And at 11, his pretty 8-year-old cousin, Brigida, who slept over at their house on weekends, sneaked under his blanket in the wee hours of the morning and teased him under his shorts.

And so was the beginning...

Ciao for now, and hope to see you again tomorrow.

At your service,
Don Juan of Alaya

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